Monday, 26 January 2009

Student Occupations spread around the country

The Israeli massacre in Gaza has led to a wave of student protests and occupations around the country. Below are some of the Universities that have staged occupations:

Soas (day 2 victory)
London School of Economics (day 7 victory)
Essex (day 2 victory)
Birmingham (day 1 police eviction)
Oxford (day 1 victory)
Manchester Met (day 2 partial victory)
King's (day 6)
Sussex (day 6)
Warwick (day 5)
Newcastle (day 4)
Leeds (day 4)
Kingston (day 3)
Bristol (day 3)
Cambridge (day 3)

LSEoccupation and KCLoccupation are the two best websites for news on the current wave of protests.

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